Carolina Velasquez

Parent Coordinator

T: 212.691.0934 Ext. 1120

C: 646.384.1119



Interested in our School? 

Please complete the questionnaire by clicking on the link below. 





Parent Workshop-March

Attendance Intervention: Strategies to Improve your Teens School Attendance

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Time: 4: 3.0 PM

Place: Liberty High School Building



Remote Parent-Teacher Conferences*
  • Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM (Evening)
  • Friday, March 21, 2025-12:30 PM-2:20 PM (Noon)

To contact Teachers:

Go to  Menu on top or side bar "Teacher Pages" 

scroll down, select teacher, look for Parent-Teacher Conference zoom link or phone number

To contact Guidance Counselors:

to Menu on top or side bar "Registration", scroll down and select to Guidance Department  

TEACHERS/COUNSELORS E-MAILS:  Teacher Emails 3 8 24.pdf 


Exploring Muslim Culture, Traditions, History and Cuisine

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Liberty High School Cafeteria

4:30 PM 


*Remote Parent-Teacher Conferences*
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM (Evening)

For Teachers:

Go to  Menu on top or side bar "Teacher Pages" 

scroll down, select teacher, look for Parent-Teacher Conference zoom link or phone number

For Guidance Counselors:

to Menu on top or side bar "Registration", scroll down and select to Guidance Department  

TEACHERS/COUNSELORS E-MAILS:  Teacher Emails 3 8 24.pdf 



If you are a family in need of food or clothes please let us know and we will do our best to assist you.   

School Year 2024-2025 Calendar


Sound Thinking NYC is a free program especially designed to open doors for young women and men to explore careers in the music industry.


Immigration ESL Technical and GED training info for ADULTS.pdf  


  1. Link: NYCSA School parent Account:   (JPG FORMAT:  Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 6 15 41 PM.jpg  PDF FORMAT: Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 6 15 41 PM.pdf )



Related image

Welcome to a new school year! I want to welcome returning and new parents/guardians to our school. My name is Carolina Velasquez and I’m the Parent Coordinator at Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers. As your Parent Coordinator, I’m here to help you connect and understand our school. Think of me as your personal guide to the school system, your go to person. You are welcome to come to me with any questions or concerns. I ask parents to take some time and make an effort to participate in our workshops/PTA meetings & activities. This is a team effort and I’m here to make you, your child and our school the best working team possible.


Carolina Velasquez

Parent Coordinator


download button

Download/Print our Parent Handbook 






2024-25 School Calendar

 Available in multiple languages:


Related image

Regents Exams

  • August 2024
  • January 2025
  • June 2025

Regents Saturday Academy:  

Contact your child's School Counselor for regents details:

2024-2025 Parent Meetings

Parent/Family  Workshops (PTA) 2024-2025

*Parent/Family Meeting*  


In-Person- MARCH 2025

Thursday, March 20, 2025

4:30pm- 7:30 pm Liberty H.S. Cafeteria

In- Person Meeting for Parents of students who need additional support 

4:30 pm-6pm 

Liberty High School Cafeteria

*Refreshments will be served*



*Remote Parent-Teacher Conferences*

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM (Evening)
  • Friday, March 21, 2025-12:32 PM-2:32 PM (Noon)

Place: Remote  (visit Teachers Page on Menu) 

To contact your child's Teachers:

Go to  Menu on top or side bar "Teacher Pages" 

scroll down, select teacher, look for Parent-Teacher Conference zoom link or phone number

For your child's Guidance Counselors:

to Menu on top or side bar "Registration", scroll down and select to Guidance Department  

TEACHERS/COUNSELORS E-MAILS:  Teacher Emails 3 8 24.pdf 


April 2025

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Exploring the Muslim Culture, Traditions, History and Cusine

4:30 PM

Liberty High School Cafeteria 

Traditional food will be served 


May 2025

Thursday, May 15 , 2025

Liberty H.S. Cafeteria: In- Person 11th Grade (Junior)Parent Night


Liberty High School Cafeteria

*Dinner will be served*





Thursday, June 12, 2025

***PTA/Title I PAC elections/Summer School workshop, 5pm (Zoom)***

Time: 5:00 PM
Place: Zoom

Carolina Velasquez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 7034 2453
Passcode: 257736

You can also join our meeting by dialing one of these numbers and entering meeting ID & Passcode

(646) 931 3860 US

(646) 558 8656 US 

Meeting ID: 930 8271 2981

Passcode: 019293






Parent-Teacher Conferences 2024-2025

Remote (Virtual) Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM (Evening)

Friday, March 21, 2025-12:30 PM-2:20 PM (Noon)


Remote Evening Parent -Teacher Conferences (visit Teachers Page on Menu)  

To contact Teachers:

Go to  Menu on top or side bar "Teacher Pages" 

scroll down, select teacher, look for Parent-Teacher Conference zoom link or phone number

To contact Guidance Counselors:

to Menu on top or side bar "Registration", scroll down and select to Guidance Department  

TEACHERS/COUNSELORS E-MAILS:  Teacher Emails 3 8 24.pdf 


















SLT Meetings 2024-2025

 School Leadership Team (SLT)

2:30 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 


Students Work Certificates/Permits

Submit ALL required documents via email to:

  1. Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate, Valid Passport, State ID etc.)
  2. Social Security card (For verification purposes, will not be kept on file)
  3. Application signed by parent (ONLY complete part I of application) 
  4. Medical Examination or Physical Fitness Certificate (Must be within a year)

 Application for Employment Certificate 2020.pdf


Physical Fitness Certificate  



NYC Public Schools Immunizations & Free Immunization Clinic

Free Immunization Clinic ONLY by appointment (No more walk-in immunizations).

  • Call for an Appointment: 347-396-7943 or visit,                                                                                                 When calling to make an appointment, provide the name of the immunization(s) the child needs. (Name of immunizations on document provided by school). 
  • LOCATION: Fort Greene Health Center Address: 295 Flatbush Avenue Extension, Fifth Floor (corner of Willoughby Street and Flatbush Avenue Extension, near the Fulton Mall and Long Island University) Brooklyn.




Related imageIf you need medical services at a low cost or free, Please see the attached lists for clinics in your borough:  





For QUEENS & STATEN ISLAND or other clinics in NYC, please visit the website:

For a clinic near you, you can also visit the Free Clinics Website at:

Reading Corner

What Are The Advantages of Being Bilingual?


Shifting Mindsets 





Parents & Families

  1. Enroll  
  2. School Life
  3. Multilingual Learners
  4. Special Education
  5. NYC School Accounts 
  6. Calendar 
  7. Supporting Immigrant Families 
  8. After school 
  9. Get help 
  10. get involved 
  11. Transportation
  12. Support & more... 


Parents NYC Schools Account

  1. Sign in to see your child's recent test scores, attendance records, and grades.
  2. To set up an account you will need your child's Student ID number, which you can find on his or her report card, as well as an Account Creation Code, which your school will supply. You can also open an account by visiting your school-you will need a photo ID such as a driver's license or passport.


Community Organizations That Help English Language Learners


Family Welcome Centers 

Families can receive direct support from a FWC staff member by emailing your questions to:





 Staten Island: 


Community Resources

Community Resources 

  • NMIC is a non-profit that operates under a settlement house model to provide free services to residents of Upper Manhattan and the Bronx. They address the urgent needs of their community, including housing, income, health, education, and more. For over forty years, NMIC has helped their clients on the path to secure, successful, and independent futures.
  • Adult Education (Ages 21+)

  • New York Public Library (NYPL):

Adult programs

  1. English & adult Literacy
  2. Computer Training
  3. Career & Employment
  4. Business
  5. Personal Finance

  • City Bar Justice Center:

  • The Legal Hotline is staffed by attorneys who assist low-income callers on a range of civil legal issues, including matrimonial and family law, housing law, domestic violence, bankruptcy, and debt collection and benefits.

  • Bilingual attorneys who speak English and Spanish, calls accepted in any language through interpreting services. Legal Hotline: 212.626.7383 

  • Immigrant Justice, Legal Clinic for the Homeless, Elder law and more…

  • NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD):

For Youths, Adults, Families & Seniors

  1. After School Programs
  2. Jobs & Internships
  3. Runaway Homeless Youth
  4. Reading & Writing
  5. Family Support
  6. Immigrant Services

  • New York Historical Society Museum & Library:

The Citizenship project: Prepare for the United States Citizenship.

  • New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC)

  • St. Jerome H.A.N.D.S. Community Center:


  • NYCDOE Helpful Links for Families of English Language Learners:

  • Selective Services: Men living in the U.S., citizen and non-citizens alike, are required by law to register with Selective Service at 18 years old.

  • SNAP Benefits in New York - (food stamps program).

  • Attendance

    Dear Parents, 

    Are you planning a family trip for the holidays? As you think about your arrangements, we want to stress the importance of sending your child to school every day. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after school vacations or recess. Just a few missed days here and there, even if they are excused absences can add up to too much lost learning time. This can cause your child to fall behind in school. Absences at any age can affect a student's chances for academic success and eventually graduation. 

    R. Huegel. Principal

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Teacher Positions Open

    Liberty High School thanks all the candidates who applied to join our team. Currently we have one vacancy open for an ENL teacher. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    LHS community loves a great gathering. Our teachers were Superheroes for the day. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers

    Due to weather conditions all NYC PS students will learn remote tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Ribbon Cutting

    On Friday, February 9, 2024, the school held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its official SCHOOL PANTRY. LHS wants to make sure no student or family goes hungry. The pantry includes clothes everything from baby clothes to coats and shoes. If you are in need, please speak to your guidance counselor or advocate counselors. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Letter from the Chancellor

    Chancellor Porter has announced school initiatives for September 2021. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • School Reopening September 2021

    Letter for Families

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Want Information about our School

    Fill out the form to receive print materials.

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Introducing the new Chancellor

    Please see here for the translations

    Translations of the Chancellor's Letter

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • October 29, 2020

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Family Update

    Form in your language

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • From the Chancellor

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Back to School Pledge

    NYC DOE Back to School Pledge

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers

    If you need a sealed transcript for college please come to school this week Tuesday, July 14 and Wednesday, July 15 from 10-2 pm to drop off device and receive final transcript. More dates will be announced. Please bring your school ID. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Complete the 2020 Census

    As we grapple with COVID-19, completing the 2020 Census is even more important now than ever. The number of New Yorkers who are counted will determine how much funding we receive for our schools and public services over the next 10 years. City schools receive more than $781 million every year in Title I funding, based on census data. In addition, the census helps determine funding for early learn centers, in-school and after school youth programs, childcare programs, and other services that support our school communities. You can play an active role in ensuring an accurate count by urging staff and families to complete the census online at, or by calling 844-330-2020, and completing the brief survey, which is open until October 31. Principals should share this information with staff including parent coordinators and families by June 26.

    Please visit the NYC 2020 Census page on InfoHub for strategies and resources to inform and empower your school community to be counted. 

    For questions, email Alexandra Dalrymple.

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Today -- Food Distribution

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers

    Second Marking Period Report Cards are available. Please send your counselor an email and they will attach it in their reply. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Device Distribution

    Liberty students will be able to pick up a device for remote learning tomorrow between 8 am to 2:20 pm. Please see the attached form. 

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Graduation at Chelsea Piers

    June 26, 2019 

    11:00 am to 1:00 pm

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Regents Tutoring Schedule

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
View More Posts

Internet Access

Apply for the Temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit Program:


Free and Low-Cost Internet Options

There are several free or low-cost internet options available to New York City students and families. Visit the DOE website for more information:



Transportation Information

Plan Your Trip/Know your Train Status:

Subway Map:

Bus Maps by Borough:

Where to go...

Issue  Person  Room
Metro Cards K. Wong  113
Records  R. Gomez 113
ID Cards/School letters J. Tso 113
Transcripts Guidance Counselors

 315, 400, 407, 518

NYSESLAT Questions  E. Preda 211
Technology  D. Delinois  310
Help with Registration  C. Velasquez 112
Medical  G. Tessler  516
College Applications S. Epstein 307
Vaccination Assistance  R. Gomez & C. Velasquez 113/112


Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the school building. Cell phones must be placed in student lockers for safekeeping.

Cell phone restrictions are listed below.

  1. All students will be required to place their cell phones in their lockers.
  2. Students will retrieve their cell phones at the end of the day; or at the end of their afterschool class. Students are not allowed to retrieve their phone during their lunch period.
  3. Students must not share their password to their locker.
  4. Students will not vandalize, destroy, or write on the lockers.
  5. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of electronic devices.


  Violation of the rules listed above will result in the following consequences:

  1. Teachers will call administrators (Principal, Assistant Principal) immediately if a teacher sees a student with a cell phone.
  2. Confiscation of the device by an administrator until the end of the school day.
  3. Parent or guardian is required to come to the school to claim the electronic device.
  4. Student is mandated to surrender the electronic device to an administrator upon arrival to the school and will claim it at the end of the school day.

 *If you need to get in contact with your child, Please call your child' guidance counselor: 

T: 212.691.0934 

Ms. Chu:    Extension  4070 

Ms. Segarra: Extension 5181

Ms. Kwiecien: Extension 3150

Mr. Patterson: Extension 4002 


 Liberty High School CellPhone Policy 002.pdf 

Chancellor's Regulations:  a-413-english Cell phones and other electronic devices.pdf 

NYCDOE Digital Citizenship  


COVID-19 Vaccine Information

  • Schools Closed-Eid al -Fitr

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Schools Closed- Spring Recess

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Remote

    Remote, Evening Parent- Teacher Conferences (4:30pm-7:30pm)

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Cafeteria

    Junior Parent Night

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Schools Closed-Memorial Day

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Schools Closed- Eid al Adha/Anniversary Day

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Schools closed- Juneteenth

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
  • Last day of school for students

    Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
View Monthly Calendar

Liberty is a Universal Meal Program School

All of our students receive free breakfast and lunch daily.  Check out the link for the monthly menu:


Get real time school updates on your mobile device with eChalk Notify.

Connect with code 2UJK1S to get instant alerts or log in with your eChalk user account for the latest updates from all your classes and groups.