Obtaining an Official Transcript
Former students and graduates can request an official transcript by writing to:
Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers
250 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
Attention: Records
Your written request should include your last name, first name, date of birth, and year of graduation or discharge. Please include a telephone number in case there are any questions. Please include a self-addressed envelope with postage so it can be forwarded by mail. You can also make the request by filling out this form:
Diplomas are issued only once. Therefore, we can only provide you with a graduation verification letter stating that you graduated from Liberty High School's program.
You can also make these requests in person. However, you will need to allow 24-48 hours for processing.
Registration Process
When you come to register at Liberty High School Academy for Newcomers, you will meet one of our Guidance Counselors. During the meeting, the counselor will ask you several questions about yourself to determine if Liberty is the right fit for you. They also determine your academic program based on your English language proficiency. It is important that you bring your academic transcripts from your country if you have them. If you are accepted, you will need to provide those records so you counselor can grant you credit. If you speak no English, we will find a translator for you to communicate your needs and hopes at registration. If Liberty is not the right fit for you, the counselor will suggest other educational opportunities either at another transfer school or adult education program around New York City.
Ms. Chu
Ms. Segarra
Mr. Patterson
Ms. Kwiecien
Ms. Chu
- Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM
- Friday, March 21, 2025- 12:30PM -2:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 820 7480 1151
Passcode: 427782
Ms. Segarra
- Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30 PM
- Friday, March 21, 2025- 12:30PM -2:30 PM
Mr. Patterson
- Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM
- Friday, March 21, 2025- 12:30PM -2:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 837 7480 6709
Passcode: 575560
Ms. Kwiecien
- Thursday, March 20, 2025- 4:30 PM-7:30PM
- Friday, March 21, 2025- 12:30PM -2:30 PM
Call or text/WhatsApp # : (202) 697 -7217
Guidance Counselor Assignment
All students are assigned to one guidance counselor during their time a Liberty High School. Your Guidance Counselor follows your academic progress as well as your social / emotional progress while at school. They get to know you and your family. When you receive your academic program, the name of your guidance counselor will be on it. The assignment is totally random.
Guidance Counselor Assignments can be determined from a students Official Class Assignment;
Students with a "1" as the first digit in their Official Class are assigned to Ms. Chu
Students with a "2" as the first digit in their Official Class are assigned to Ms. Segarra
Supporting Our Immigrant Students
Peer Tutoring
Students who demonstrate academic proficiency can become a peer tutor. Students will be assigned a peer during lunch time and assist them with their academic studies. Please see Ms. Chu if you are interested. Room 407
Regents Prep Saturday Academy
Regents Examination Schedule for 2023
Liberty High School is committed to preparing newcomer students for New York State exams required for graduation.
The school provides extra support five Saturdays before the January and June exam dates. This years dates are as follows:
December 2, 2022
December 9, 2022
December 16, 2022
January 6, 2022
January 13, 2022
May 5, 2023
May 12, 2023
May 19, 2023
June 2, 2023
June 9, 2023
School Wide Grading Policy
All Departmenst are required to share their department grading policies with students at the beginning of the term. Academic Departments must adhere to the overall school wide grading policy
40% Assessment
30% Quizzes
30% Homework, Participation and Classwork
Each marking period students will have at least:
2 Full Period Assessments
7 Quizzes
10 Homework Assignments
1 extra credit / makeup opportunity
All teachers are required to use SKEDULA an online grade book which students can access.
Respect for ALL
Respect for ALL
Wendy Chu, Room 407
CATCH Services
Please see the Nurse in the medical office for CATCH services available to all Liberty High School students.